A New Way To Brush!
You think an electric toothbrush can remove this?
Most likely not!! With an electric toothbrush you can`t see behind your teeth and you will never become aware of what you are missing. Learn the right way to brush with MOTSY Light. Our Rubber Scaler attachment can loosen up the plaque to simply brush away.
If brushing and flossing is not an issue because of arthritis or any other health problems, a MOTSY Light Personal Hygiene kit and an electric toothbrush work nicely hand in hand.
An electric toothbrush does not have the tools to see what’s going on in the mouth. Using MOTSY Light will help to become aware of any issues. The 5X mirror attachment allows people to see in their mouth and change bad habits before it becomes a problem.
Do your teeth look like this?
With MOTSY Light they don`t have to! Not only can you check for spots you are usually missing with the 5x mirror attachment, but using the LED light will allow you to see much better and make sure no stains are left behind.
Using a manual toothbrush such as MOTSY Light will empower you to take better care of your teeth but also improve your focus while brushing. MOTSY Light is the first manual toothbrush with an LED light, that lets you see in your mouth and become aware of spots that you might have missed before.
A timer built into an electric toothbrush can help you brush your teeth long enough to sufficiently remove lose plaque. MOTSY Light has a 2 minute timer, that will automatically turn off the LED light off.
Start spending less money
MOTSY Light will empower you to take better care of your teeth. You will have fresher breath and more money in your pocket. This slows the cycle of small filling to larger filling to crown to root canal to extraction to implant. $ SAVE BIG MONEY $ when the tooth life cycle has been broken.
About 'that' breath...
The most common cause of bad breath is bad oral hygiene. Avoid bad breath and gum issues. Use MOTSY Light and become aware of your dental issues and start being in control. MOTSY Light allows you to clean every side of your teeth and bad breath will no longer be an issue!
As it is well known, having a perfect smile is of vital importance: it is the first thing others notice when meeting you and it is also a reflection of your personality, attitude, energy and natural beauty. With MOTSY Light you can even clean difficult to reach spots like your wisdom teeth or behind your anterior teeth and make your smile whiter and brighter.
Don`t get the surprises at the dentist office anymore – become aware of your dental issues, a small cavity does not need to turn into a bigger one.
Regardless of whether electric toothbrushes, water flossers or manual toothbrushes are "good" for teeth, it is important to always follow a dental professional recommendations regarding which brand and model to get, to avoid the risk of getting something that's harmful for teeth and gums.